Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Pull-up Program

Pull-Up Program

QUESTION: Why can't I do pull-ups? Why don't I have my pull-ups yet? When will I get my pull-ups? Why do I need to learn pull-ups? How do I get a Pull-Up?
ANSWER: Why CrossFitters don't have pull-ups: 
- 1.) lack of upper body strength (Lats, biceps, traps, forearms) 
- 2.) excessive body weight 
- 3.) not enough time in schedule to practice skills
- 4.) insufficient coaching (not enough one on one time)
- 5.) inadequate scales that don't work towards a common goal. 
- 6.) lack of motivation (LAZY- "Don't be that guy!")
- 7.) Skipping WODs when Pull-Up work is required
SOLUTION: If you want your CrossFit experience to be a success, you have to WANT to get better, not act like it. Just like anything else, a realistic timeline, and list of priority goals MUST be established toward learning this movement.
- The goal of this program is to SET A SCHEDULE  (Test/Re-Test- Target Date for PU) for learning the pull-up and all accessory skills that aid in the movement.
- The bulk of this program is to be done post workout once the athlete has recovered.
- "Homework" is described as your extra skill work, after workout of the day (before test day)
- Homework can be pushed back a day if pull-ups are in the workout of the day, or if athlete is under recovered.
- Homework will consist of 3x week (day one=pulling, day two=lat activation, day three=kipping)
- EMOM Style is most encouraged, although the homework may be done independently w/o clock.
- Extra Credit: YouTube videos are STRONGLY encouraged to watch others learn and teach the pull-up and all styles of Kipping. If applicable, watch 1-2 videos a week, and try the progressions out at the gym in place of prescribed homework, if you so chose to.

Week #1

Day 1: (pulling)
*Ensure athlete is familiar with:
- Ring Row
- Ring Row (w/ feet elevated)
- Partner Assisted Pull-Ups
- Banded Pull-ups

EMOM for 10 Minutes: (alt.)
- 3-5 Banded Pull-Ups (annotate band color/#)
- 5-7 Ring Rows (measure feet distance in relation to rings/height of plates/boxes)

Day 2: (Lat Activation)
*Ensure athlete is familiar with:
- Dead Hang Lat Activates (on pull-up bar)
- Bent Over Rows (DB and BB) (Pronated/Supinated Grip)
- Seated Banded Lat Pull-Downs
- T-Bar Rows

EMOM for 10 Minutes: (alt.)
- :20 Lat Activation on Pull-Up Bar (minimum of 2-3 second hold)
- 10-12 Banded Lat Pull-Downs

Day 3: (Kipping)
*Ensure athlete has a good set of grips, and is familiar with the following:
- Traditional Kipping
- Grip for Pull-Ups (width/dead-mans grip/thumb around/grips/gloves)
- Correct use of chalk (when/why/how much)

EMOM for 10 Minutes: (alt.)
- :20 Traditional Kipping
- 3-5 Partner Assisted Pull-Ups

Week #2

Day One: (Pulling)
EMOM for 10 Minutes: (alt.)
- 5-7 Prone BB Rows (laying on bench elevated w/ plates)
- 7-9 Jumping Pull-Ups

Day Two: (Lat Activation)
EMOM for 10 Minutes: (alt.)
- :20 Lat Activation on Pull-Up Bar (minimum 2-3 second hold)
- 10 BB Curls (empty bb)

Day Three (Kipping)
- :20 Traditional Kipping
- 5-7 T-Bar Rows

Week #3

Day One: (Pulling)
EMOM for 12 Minutes: (alt.)
- 5-7 Banded Pull-Ups (trying a lighter band if applicable)
- 7-9 Ring Rows (+elevation if applicable)

Day Two: (Lat Activation)
EMOM for 12 Minutes: (alt.)
- :25 Lat Activation on Pull-Up Bar (minimum 2-3 second hold)
- 12-15 Banded Lat Pull-Downs (Thicker band from week one if applicable)

Day Three (Kipping)
EMOM for 12 Minutes: (alt.)
- :25 Traditional Kipping
- 5-7 Partner Assisted Pull-Ups

Week #4

Day One: (Pulling)
EMOM for 14 Minutes: (alt.)
- 8-10 Bent Over BB Rows
- 6-8 Partner Assisted Pull-Ups

Day Two: (Lat Activation)
- 30 Lat Activation on Pull-Up Bar (minimum 2-3 second hold)
- 14 DB Hammer Curls (7 per arm)

Day Three: (Kipping)
- :30 Traditional Kipping
- 8-10 Banded Lat Pull-Downs

Week #5

Day One: (Pulling)
EMOM for 14 Minutes: (alt.)
- 8-10 Banded Pull-Ups
- 5-7 DB Bent Over Rows (5-7 per arm)

Day Two: (Lat Activation)
EMOM for 14 Minutes: (alt.)
- :30 Lat Activation on Pull-Up Bar
- : 15 Prone Row (2.5# plates in each hand, laying on the ground)

Day Three: (Kipping)
EMOM for 14 Minutes: (alt.)
- :30 Traditional Kipping
- 10-12 Jumping Pull-Ups

- At this point in the program, the athlete should have a good idea of what scales work best for them.
- The program can continue if athlete needs more time to meet his/her goal. (5 weeks worth of work doesn't guarantee you a pull-up. It is merely a model to gauge success/weakness.)
- Skill work at this template can be altered accordingly based on how the athlete reacts.(Ex. If you don't get much of out swinging on the pull-up bar, STOP-get a COACH to observe you, reassess what you're trying to accomplish, try a different scale.)
- Approach any and all skill work with a fresh mind and attitude. Not many people get better when they're upset and frustrated. 
- REMEMBER: Pull-Ups can be tested/re-tested whenever the athlete feels ready.
- Take this program one day at a time. The longest race begins with the first step.

Coach James, CF-L1, USAW-L1

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